Sunday, December 29, 2019

Different Approaches to Screen Violence Essays - 1147 Words

Different Approaches to Screen Violence Violence is a strong issue in society. In a world that is surrounded by terrorism, aggression and crime, the way violence is represented in the media can be crucial. Most viewers define violence as an act that breaks out of a personal comfort zone and therefore opinions of how violent a scene is can differ. Arguments for the link between violence in the media and real life focus on the perpetrator of violence being unable to acknowledge the difference between reality and the fiction portrayed in film. These opinions however, are frequently the results of a public who use violent films as a scapegoat for physical aspects that shape peoples lives. Social†¦show more content†¦This hits the audience with a sense of reality and makes the emphasis with the character. There is a soundtrack that plays when a jump cut takes place to the two main characters walking down a street. This music plays a contrast between the normal lifestyle, and when they are at fight club. In Drunken Master, sound is important in establishing the scene. The synchronous diagetic sounds of punching and kicking are overly exaggerated. This emphasises the violence but at the same time makes the scene become less severe and somewhat comical. There is no music at the start of the scene; this creates realism and a tense atmosphere. After a pause in the action, the first piece of dialogue is spoken. Jackie Chan is taunted and challenged. As Jackie accepts his opponents proposal an incidental piece of music begins to play. It is a fast heroic piece, with obvious oriental influences. This gets the audience involved in the scene and makes them feel empathy for Jackie. Sound plays an important part in both scenes, and helps to add to and take away from the way violence is portrayed. There are many similarities that give off different effects in each scene. Fight Club uses a montage of fast cuts, which increases the pace and makes the scene look visually impressive. There is no slow motion editingShow MoreRelatedMedia Violence vs. Real Violence Essay1094 Words   |  5 Pageslives. One can argue that media violence contribute towards social violence where the effects place a huge impact in ones being. Television violence is not only a form of media violence; there are other significant forms of media that contribute to media violence which are computer games, comic books and music. In this essay I will compare the theoretical perspectives and methodologies of at least three different approaches to the study of the effects of media violence and how effective they are inRead MoreImproving The Quality Of Life For Veterans Suffering From Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pagesmany reasons for this phenomenon, which are termed barriers to treatment. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Significance Of The Frontier By Frederick Jackson Turner

Frederick Jackson Turner s â€Å"The Significance of the Frontier† is, in his eyes, an accurate depiction of America s development since the Colonial Period. However, Turner s Frontier Thesis fails to discuss the involvement of two very specific groups of people, groups that certainly had too much of an effect on the progression of the country for him to safely leave out. Native Americans have a pivotal role in America s history, yet Turner s mentions of them in his thesis are extremely limited. For this reason, Frederick Jackson Turner s â€Å"The Significance of the Frontier† is not an accurate depiction of the history of the United States. Unlike the image that Turner represents in his Frontier Thesis, Native Americans played a large role in the formation of America s history. Turner continuously undermines their presence, referring to them mostly in passing and never giving their race much credit. When discussing the presence of different animals and people on the f rontier, he ranks them only one step above animals, saying â€Å"watch the procession of civilization marching single file – the buffalo following the trail to the salt springs, the Indian, the fur-trader and hunter, the cattle-raiser, the pioneer farmer – and the frontier has passed by.† In saying this, Turner is conveying the imagery that Indians are altogether their own species, not quite animals but neither human enough to be included in what he would consider the presence of man. Murphy s book Great LakesShow MoreRelatedFrederick Turner Jackson: Frontier Thesis1136 Words   |  5 Pages5/1/13 Band D East to West Frederick Turner Jackson, born in 1861, in Portage, Wisconsin, grew up in a time of severe social change, in a nation plagued with an identity crisis. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Id System with Sms Free Essays

Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University Computer Education Program Bacolor Pampanga ID System with SMS A Thesis Presented to the faculty of Computer Education Program In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Presented by: Julie Ann Alvarado Paula Pamela Candole Georgette Nicole Cunanan Shiela Mae Gamboa September 2012 Chapter 1 Problems and its Settings 1. Introduction Nowadays, in modern society, human productivity was made efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of modern education, one way to globalize the process of recordings is to realize that the technology is incredibly fast. We will write a custom essay sample on Id System with Sms or any similar topic only for you Order Now Computers were not confined for entertainment but made for education. And allow us to gather information in a quick and accurate manner. A School I. D System with SMS is used to verify the identity of a student in a campus. The data is stored in a database. An I. D system is about identifying the person’s full name, address, course and section and often containing a photograph. Some schools have been using I. D System but many are still using manual system like in MACCIM ROYAL ACADEMY in SAN JUAN LUBAO. This Manual System is time consuming and lost of records. This process is burden for the student and especially for their teachers. The proponents aim to improve the existing system and provide a better way of dealing with the most with the most common problems in schools. The proposed I. D SYSTEM USING SMS TECHNOLOGY. 2. Background of the Study Students I. D’s are a good way to increase the campus security. The project gate entry used I. D system has provided benefits to the events have made security for educational institutions. From the smallest charter school to the largest university, all concerned about running an efficient, low cost security solution that provides safety for its students. 3. Statement of the Problem The proponents of the study have investigated the topic â€Å"I. D SYSTEM USING SMS TECHNOLOGY†. In order to seek the solution and answer to the difficuilties encountered by the teachers and parents too. The MACCIM ROYAL ACCADEMY is using a manual system. Teachers used a recording book that serves as the records for their attendance of their student and it may cause a hard time because of one by one checking and writing the attendance of their students that can also cause of waste of time. Listed below are the problems that the proponents have encountered in using Manual System. 1. 3. 1 GENERAL PROBLEMS The general problem of MACCIM ROYAL ACCADEMY is that all school and teachers encountered is loosing their records of their student’s attendance that causes problem to the grades of their students. And most of all is the time wasted they do because of their manual system checking. 1. 3. 3 Specific Problem †¢ Large number of students and increase yearly. †¢ The wasted time in writing or checking attendance of their students. †¢ Less security for the students and records of the school. 4. Objectives of the Study Today parents expect and demand a lot more from their children’s schools. They want to be informed everything going on in the school so that they can make their own judgment about what is best for their children. Naturally, there is ambivalence on the part of the school officials about what kind of communication is necessary or appropriate. School officials want open and positive communication lines with their children’s parents, but they want parental support for their policies and educational philosophy. Very often principals and teachers feel that parents’ demands are excessive and unreasonable, and that the parents do not fully appreciate the difficulties with which the school officials are struggling. Research shows that children do better in school when parents talk often with teachers and become involved in the school. There are number of ways that parents and teachers can communicate with each other, rather than relying on the scheduled parent-teacher conferences. Close communications between parents and teachers can help the student. The proposed system will help the MACCIM ROYAL ACCADEMY to make their work faster and accurate. The proposed system will use Biometric scanner and Bar coded I. D to prevent unauthorized use of the system. The system will also used SMS Technology to send due notification to remind their parents or guardians that their child surely went to school. Because of this system parents are updated about their child or children in school. It serves more security for the school and students. 1. General Objectives To developed an I. D system using SMS Technology for MACCIM ROYAL ACCADEMY and also for the parents who’s concerned. 2. Specific Objectives In order to achieve the general objective, this study would seek the following specific objectives: †¢ More security for the students and school’s documents. †¢ Checking of attendance is easier. Classes start early. †¢ Parents are updated about their children. 5. SCOPES AND LIMITATIONS As with any studies, there are scopes and limitations that cover the proposed system. This chapter gives detailed information on the scopes and limitations of the proposed system. 1. SCOPES The scopes of the proposed system are to create a I. D System Using Short Message Service (SMS). With these, it helps the teachers lessens their work in checking the attendance of their student for parents, it help them to know whether their child is truly went to school or not with the help of the system that be able to sent them a short message saying that their child really went to school. The system is able to check the student’s attendance whenever they enter the gate of the school with the help of their Bar Coded I. D and the system will automatically send a short message to the guardian’s contact number that will be seeing in the students I. D that will be registered in the main server. 2. LIMITATIONS The limitations of the proposed system are as follows: †¢ The system relies on electricity not unless there is a generator at hand. †¢ The system cannot send a message to a single person. †¢ Simple txt message only. There is no scope for any graphics or audio. The message that they will receive will only have the information about the attendance of the student and nothing more. 6. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The proposed study will contribute implication to different people and with the academy in these categories: economical, educational, social, and technological. 1. 6. 1 EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE The study is considerable to the research b ecause they will gain some knowledge about developing SMS based system. The result of the study could also benefit the school as the system contributes to the accumulation of knowledge about the use of technology. The system will be a proof as one of the goals of the school and that is the quality education innovation. 1. 6. 2 TECHNOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE This system will be momentous milestone for the school as this pioneering undertaking. With the researchers, the study is important because it will extend their knowledge on the rapid rising of technology. In addition, in finishing this study, they will be able to develop possible enhancement in SMS based system on the user’s needs. 1. 6. 3 SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE In creating the system, the proponents were able to build up communication skills. They learned to deal with different people to achieve the desired information needed for the completion of the study. Companionship was increased between the proponents, to give forth-good results and success to the study. The system will allow the parents and the school administrator to communicate with one another through short message service (SMS). Getting parents involved about their children’s attendance in school is one way of ensuring the proper guidance is extended and given. 1. 6. 4 ECONOMICAL SIGNIFICANCE With the system to be implemented, It shall greatly contribute to uplift the school image as a prime secondary school. It can be a good marketing tool to attract more parents to enroll their children in MACCIM ROYAL ACADEMY. Researchers will be able to maximize their time, resources and efforts in developing the said study. 7. Definition of Terms Access Control Facility A set of programs from Computer Associates that enable security on mainframes, with ACF prevents accidental or deliberate modification, corruption, mutilation, deletion, or viral infection of files. With ACF, access to a system is denied to unauthorized personnel. Any authorized or unauthorized attempt to gain access is logged. Barcode An optical  machine-readable  representation of data relating to the object to which it is attached Originally barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacing’s of parallel lines, and may be referred to as linear or one-dimensional (1D). Barcodes originally were scanned by special  optical scanners  called barcode readers; later, scanners and interpretive software became available on devices including  desktop printers  and  smart phones. Wireless network Refers to any type of  computer network  that is not connected by cables of any kind. It is a method by which homes,  telecommunications networks  and enterprise (business) installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations. Electronics Deals with  electrical circuits  that involve  active electrical components  such as  vacuum tubes,  transistors,  diodes  and  integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The  nonlinear  behavior of active components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification of weak signals possible and is usually applied to  information  and  signal processing. Access Administrator A person who manages a local area communications network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) for an organization. Responsibilities include network security, installing new hardware and applications, monitoring software upgrades and daily activity, enforcing licensing agreements, developing a storage management program and providing for routine backups, not to mention ensuring that it is up and running all the time. Biometric Comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, in particular, biometric is used as a form of identity access management based and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. Level of Access Users can view and edit any part of your account or a system. Whats unique about levels of access users is that they can enable and disabled access for other users. Computer Software A general term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedure and documentation that perform some task on a computer system. This term includes application software such as word processor which performs productivity tasks for users. Database A collection of data or file of information in a form accessible by computer or indexed in machine readable form. In a sense, a database is a computerized library in which individual records can be retrieved. Hardware It is the physical components of a computer system, in the form of computer hardware. Computer hardware is the physical part of a computer, including the digital circuitry, as distinguished from the computer software that executes within the hardware. Registered Jack (RJ45) It is a standardized physical interface for connecting telecommunication equipment (commonly, a telephone jack) or computer network equipment. How to cite Id System with Sms, Essay examples